Suchen und Bewerben: So einfach geht's.

Wunschstelle(n) finden

Nutzen Sie die Suchkriterien, um das passende Jobangebot zu finden. Es gibt keine Pflichtfelder. Sie können, müssen aber nicht Ihre Suche einschränken. Durch die Vorauswahl bestimmter Suchkriterien wird Ihr Suchergebnis genauer.

So können Sie in ganz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern suchen oder in bestimmten Regionen und Orten (Region bzw. Ort im Suchfilter eingeben). Grenzen Sie die Suche bei einer großen Trefferzahl ggf. mit weiteren Suchkriterien ein – zum Beispiel mit der Schulart und der Fächerkombination.

Online-Bewerbung ausfüllen und direkt an die Schule senden

Die Bewerbung für eine Schule geht schnell und einfach. Stelle aussuchen, Online-Formular ausfüllen, Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) hochladen und an die Schule schicken.

Wenn Sie sich auf mehrere Stellen bewerben wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Registrierung. Sie hat folgende Vorteile:

  • Sie brauchen das Online-Formular nur einmal ausfüllen.
  • Die Dokumente nur einmal hochladen.
  • Individualisierung ist je Bewerbung möglich.
  • Die Wunschliste wird dauerhaft gespeichert.

Der Stellenalarm hält Sie auf dem Laufenden

Für Sie ist aktuell keine passende Stelle dabei? Dann tragen Sie einfach Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in den Stellenalarm. Sobald neue Stellen zu Ihren Suchkriterien offen sind, informieren wir Sie per Mail.

Stellen auf Wunschliste

Sie können sich interessante Stellen auf eine Wunschliste speichern, später wieder aufrufen, als PDF sichern oder sich direkt bewerben.

Suchen und Bewerben: So einfach geht's.

Wunschstelle(n) finden

Nutzen Sie die Suchkriterien, um die passenden Referendariatsplätze zu finden. Sie können Ihre Suche eingrenzen, müssen dies aber nicht. Durch die Vorauswahl bestimmter Suchkriterien wird Ihr Suchergebnis genauer.

So können Sie in ganz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern suchen oder in bestimmten Regionen und Orten (Region bzw. Ort im Suchfilter eingeben). Grenzen Sie die Suche bei einer großen Trefferzahl ggf. mit weiteren Suchkriterien ein – zum Beispiel mit der Schulart und der Fächerkombination.

Wunschliste füllen

Sie können sich auf eine oder mehrere schulbezogene Stellen und / oder auf die landesweite Stelle für Ihr entsprechendes Lehramt bewerben. Klicken Sie dazu einfach bei Ihren Wunschstellen auf »Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen«.

Direkt online bewerben

Die Bewerbung geht schnell und einfach.

  • Stelle(n) auf Wunschliste hinzufügen
  • Wunschliste öffnen
  • ggf. Prioritäten festlegen oder ändern
  • auf »Jetzt auf ausgewählte Stelle(n) bewerben« klicken
  • Online-Formular ausfüllen
  • Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) hochladen
  • und abschicken.

Was sind landesweite Stellen?

Bei den landesweiten Stellen werden vorab keine Ausbildungsschulen oder Fächer festgelegt. Die Ausbildungsschule wird Ihnen erst nach dem Auswahlverfahren zugewiesen und kann sich grundsätzlich in ganz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern befinden. Orts- und/oder Schulwünsche können im Bewerbungsbogen unter „Bemerkungen“ geäußert werden. Im Rahmen der vorhandenen Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und unter Beachtung sozialer Gesichtspunkte wie Kindern oder der Pflege von Familienangehörigen werden diese Wünsche berücksichtigt.

Die grundsätzliche Bereitschaft einer Ausbildungsschule, Sie auszubilden, kann im Fall einer Zulassung und bei Vorliegen einer entsprechenden Bereitschaftserklärung durch die Schulleitung für die Zuweisung zu einer Ausbildungsschule berücksichtigt werden.

Qualifications obtained abroad

Do you have a qualification obtained abroad – professional or academic – and are you interested in working as a teacher in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? Welcome!

The same requirements apply as for applicants with qualifications obtained in Germany, but with the following specificities:

  • Language skills

    Applicants with German as the second language must provide proof of the required German language skills - with a certificate proving proficiency in speaking and writing at C1 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

    C2 level proficiency (CEFR) is required for the following areas:

    • Teaching German (not in the sense of DaF (German as a foreign language) or DaZ (German as a second language)),
    • When teaching children in the school entrance level (years 1 and 2 of Grundschule (primary school)),
    • Teaching in the qualification phase at the upper Gymnasium (academic secondary school) level.


    Unsure if you need such proof or might already have it?

    Here are a few pointers:

    • A non-native German speaker is a person who has not obtained a higher education entrance qualification, e.g. the Abitur, in Germany or another German-speaking country.
    • German citizenship does not exempt you from proof of language proficiency.
  • Language exams

    Unsure if you need such proof or might already have it?

    Here are a few pointers:

    • A non-native German speaker is a person who has not obtained a higher education entrance qualification, e.g. the Abitur, in Germany or another German-speaking country.
    • German citizenship does not exempt you from proof of language proficiency.
    • A degree in German language and literature completed abroad does not count as proof of language proficiency.


    Recognised language certificates can be submitted in various forms.

    The most common are:

    This list is not exhaustive.


    Do you already have the necessary language skills, but you do not have a language certificate yet? Are you looking to take the necessary language exam but you need financial support? There are two options:


    1. Registration for the "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (German language examination for access to higher education)" (DSH) at the University of Greifswald, funded by the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    The exams take place 4 times a year at the University of Greifswald (March/July/September/December) and consist of a written and an oral exam. As described below, you can register up to about three weeks before the respective exam date.


    • You need proof of language proficiency to be employed as a teacher.
    • The management of a state school in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is of the opinion that
      • you would be successful in the recruitment process if you had proof of language proficiency, and
      • you can pass the DSH exam.


    • You will receive a form from the school management confirming the above-mentioned requirements. This form must be signed by you, the school management and the school supervisory authority (school councillor).
    • You must send this signed form by post to
      • Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
      • Abteilung 2 - Schule und Lehrkräftegewinnung Referat 230
      • Werderstraße 124
      • 19055 Schwerin
      • and in advance by email to
    • About two weeks before the exam date, you will receive an invitation to the exam with further information or a rejection for capacity reasons, i.e. if more registrations than available exam spots.
    • The results of the exams are announced on the day of the oral exam. The language level C 1 (CEFR) required for standard employment as a teacher is demonstrated by achieving "DSH-2." “DSH-3” indicates language level C 2 (GER). As the Ministry of Education will cover the cost of your language exam, it will also be informed of your exam result.
    • A five-day exam training course is also offered in Greifswald for the exam dates in March and September. Participation is voluntary, but recommended. It takes place in the week immediately before the written exam. Participation is free of charge.

    Next exam dates:

    February / March 2025
    Registration by 31.01.2025
    Exam training - 24.-28.02.2025
    Writing - 03.03.2025
    Oral - 06.-07.03.2025

    2. Reimbursement of costs for an already completed and passed language exam


    • You needed a proof of language proficiency to be employed as a teacher.
    • The invoice date of your language exam and the start of your employment in the teaching profession are within six months of each other.
    • Your employment in the teaching profession is either permanent or fixed-term for at least twelve months.


    • You have received/signed an employment agreement as a teacher. If you meet the requirements, this will include a side agreement.
    • Complete the application form (click here for the PDF) and send it together with the documents specified therein by post to
      • Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
      • Abteilung 2 - Schule und Lehrkräftegewinnung
      • Referat 230
      • Werderstraße 124
      • 19055 Schwerin.

    The costs can only be reimbursed once. The claim must be made within three months of starting the employment. Reimbursement is subject to the availability of budget funds.

  • Educational qualifications obtained abroad (general) / Teacher qualifications obtained abroad

    You can also apply for local teaching jobs without formal recognition, i.e. only with a translation of the certificate/degree obtained abroad. However, both the chances of being hired and the salary grading are significantly better with recognition. Without formal recognition

    • your application will only be considered in the last of the four groups and only as a lower priority (Group 4 d),
    • this will result in a significantly lower salary (E 10),
    • you will be considered to be a lateral entrant who must take part in a Seiteneinstiegsqualifizierung (lateral entry qualification/SEQ) lasting several years. You can find information on lateral entry into the teaching profession here.

    This is why it makes sense to have your qualifications recognised. Depending on your qualifications, you have three options for "recognition":

    1. Certificate evaluation by the ZAB: The certificate evaluation indicates, among other things, the level of the German educational qualification comparable to your foreign university degree (bachelor's, master's degrees) and also provides additional information on the procedures for professional recognition.
    2. Determination of equivalence with a teaching qualification for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (see below "teacher qualifications obtained abroad").
    3. Determination of equivalence with another profession: When determining equivalence, the competent authority compares your professional qualification with the German reference profession. Click here to find out what your German reference profession is and which authority is responsible for you.

    Teacher qualifications obtained abroad

    Have you trained as a teacher outside Germany and have you completed this training? Then you can submit an application for a determination of equivalence of the qualifications you have obtained in your country of origin with a teaching qualification in accordance with the regulations of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

    Please send the following documents by post to:

    Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
    Referat 230,
    Werderstraße 124,
    19055 Schwerin:

    1. Completed and signed application form (PDF for printing),
    2. Tabular CV (list of completed training /qualifications and career history) in German,
    3. Proof of identity,
    4. Educational qualifications obtained abroad,
    5. Proof of relevant professional experience and other qualifications,
    6. A certificate confirming eligibility to practice the profession in the country of training.

    If a clear decision is not possible at first, the Ministry may request additional evidence.

    The documents referred to in points 4 to 6 must be submitted as originals or officially certified copies. Official certifications can be obtained from public institutions or offices of a city or district, or from notaries. Health insurance companies and parishes, among others, are not authorised to provide these certifications.

    Foreign-language documents must be submitted as translations, each accompanied by a copy of the original document obtained abroad (translated by a sworn translator/interpreter in Germany). Translations are only considered if the translator/interpreter had access to the original or an officially certified copy of the foreign-language document.

    As translations made abroad will not be accepted, the documents must be translated into German by a publicly appointed and sworn translator in Germany, or the accuracy and completeness of the existing translation must be certified by such a translator. An overview of the publicly appointed and sworn translators in Germany is available at

  • Legal framework